A Live Arizona Court of Appeals Oral Argument,
Lunch, and Ethics CLE's
*The AADC Annual Meeting may qualify for up to 3 hours of ethics CLE credit.
We want to take you to court!
Join Us for the
Arizona Court of Appeals
1501 W Washington St. Phoenix, AZ
Friday, May 31, 2019
Members: $75
Non members: $125
Registration is closed. If you would like to attend the CLE's please call the AADC admin office at 480-609-3999. You do not need to register to attend the oral argument.
10:00 - 11:45am Oral Argument and Panel Discussion
Please arrive by 9:45am to allow time to get through security and to find a seat. The oral argument will be in Court Room #2
11:45-1:30pm Lunch
We have 3 lunch sponsors that will be hosting lunch at either Arrogant Butcher, Mancuso's or Hanny's. Space is limited so be sure to make your restaurant choice when registering. Lunch shuttle sponsored by:
1:30-3:00pm - NEW SPEAKER!
'BIG E.....little e: Ethics and the Trial Lawyer
Speaker: Mark Olson, Esq.
3:00-3:15pm Afternoon Break
Sponsored by Robert Underdown
3:15 -4:45pm
'Staying Out of Harms's Way: Avoiding Client Complaints, Lawsuits and Bar Charges
Geoff Sturr, Esq.