CLE, a Live Arizona Court of Appeals Oral Argument
and Networking
*The AADC Annual Meeting may qualify for up to 5 hours of CLE credit, including 1 hour of ethics
Join Us for the
Westin Kierland Resort & Spa
6902 E. Greenway Parkway
Scottsdale, AZ
Thursday, June 1
5:30-7:00pm Cocktail Reception
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7:00pm Sponsor Hosted Dine-Around
Friday, June 2
8:00-8:30am - Continental Breakfast
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8:30-9:30am 'Judgment Day: Tips for Terminating Trial Court Proceedings
and Shaping the Issues on Appeal '
Speakers: Lori L. Voepel, Jennifer B. Anderson and Jonathan P. Barnes
Jones, Skelton & Hochuli, PLC
10:00 - 11:30am Oral Argument and Panel Discussion
A live oral argument before Division 1 of the Arizona Court of Appeals will be the center piece of this year’s AADC annual meeting and conference. The case of Sloan v. Farmers Insurance will be argued to the court. This case is an insurance bad faith case in which Farmers obtained a defense verdict at trial only to have that verdict overturned by the trial court pursuant to Rule 60(C)(6) due to subsequent DPS determinations that two Phoenix Fire Department investigators had engaged in misconduct related to the investigation of Sloan who was initially charged with arson.
11:30-1:00pm Lunch
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'Good Faith, Bad Faith and Everything in Between'
Speaker: Patrick B. Omilian, Esq.
Goldberg Segalla
'Working Effectively with Your Insurance Bad Faith Expert'
Speakers: Steve Plitt; Cavanagh Law Firm, David Shughart; Beale, Micheaels, Slack & Shughart
and Jon Neuman; Steptoe & Johnson
3:30 - 4:30PM
'Civility Matters'
Speaker: Kathy Langley, Langley Law Firm with a panel discussion that includes Honorable Chris Whitten, John Ager, Esq and Lisa Duran, Esq.
4:30-6:00pm - Wine and Cheese Reception
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